For Healthcare Professionals

Develop your research with TOGA’s endorsement

Benefit from TOGA’s membership and advance your thoracic cancer research.

TOGA has a commitment to designing, conducting, and publishing top-tier clinical trials that contribute significantly to evidence-based practices in thoracic cancer.  We understand the importance of efficient and effective research processes. That’s why we’ve established a review system to ensure only the most feasible and impactful studies are guided by TOGA. 

What you gain by submitting your research for endorsement with TOGA:

  • Peer and Consumer Review: Your research will be evaluated by a panel of experts in thoracic oncology, including both healthcare professionals and consumer representatives. Supplementary reviews are conducted by the consumer panel to provide a well-rounded assessment. This comprehensive review ensures your study design is sound and addresses a critical need in the field.
  • Feasibility Assessment: Our membership will assess your study’s feasibility, considering factors like patient recruitment, logistical considerations, and resource availability. This valuable feedback helps you refine your proposal for optimal success.
  • Broader Support: By receiving TOGA’s endorsement, your research gains credibility and potential for wider support from our extensive membership network. This can be instrumental in securing funding and accelerating your research timeline.

Simplified Review Process

TOGA’s review process is designed for efficiency. Here’s a quick overview:

  1. Submit your research to for review by our working groups and research panel.
  2. Receive feedback on feasibility and scientific merit from our peer and consumer reviewers.
  3. Your proposal and it’s recommendations will be presented to the TOGA Scientific Committee for final approval.

Write a winning research concept

This guide simplifies the process of writing a concept outline for your proposed clinical research study.

What you’ll find in this guide:

  • Title: Craft a clear and informative title that accurately reflects your study.
  • Background and Rationale: Explain the problem you’re addressing and the rationale for your proposed interventions.
  • Aims, Objectives & Hypotheses: Define the goals of your study and the specific predictions you aim to test.
  • Study Design: Briefly describe the type of study (e.g., randomized controlled trial) and its key features.
  • Population & Setting: Specify the target population and where participants will be recruited.
  • Interventions: Outline the proposed treatments or interventions and how they will be administered.
  • Outcomes & Measures: Define the effects you’re measuring and how you’ll quantify them.
  • Study Procedures: Briefly summarize subject recruitment and follow-up procedures.
  • Statistical Considerations: Explain your sample size, analysis plan, and methods for handling data complexities.
  • Feasibility: Address potential recruitment challenges and how you plan to overcome them.
  • Significance: Explain the importance of your research and its potential impact.
  • Funding: Briefly outline your funding strategy and potential sources.
  • Risks: Identify potential challenges and mitigation strategies.

Download the full guide and get started on your winning concept outline today.

The TOGA endorsement

TOGA endorsement signifies the approval of your thoracic oncology research proposal by our esteemed Scientific Committee. This endorsement offers a range of benefits to support your research endeavors:

  • Credibility and Recognition: Leverage TOGA’s reputation for excellence to enhance your research credibility.
  • Enhanced Visibility: Gain exposure through the TOGA’s communication channels including website listing, membership mailouts for recruitment assistance, and potential presentations at TOGA meetings.
  • Streamlined Applications: Showcase TOGA endorsement on your research applications and publications for a more impactful presentation.

Take the Next Step

Learn more about the specific requirements and application process in our comprehensive TOGA Endorsement Policy.

Together, let’s advance the fight against thoracic malignancies. Apply for TOGA endorsement today!