This Scientific Committee meticulously reviews and approves clinical trial concepts and research proposals and ensures that TOGA prioritises the most promising research avenues with the potential to significantly advance the field of thoracic oncology.
Furthermore, the Scientific Committee’s expertise extends beyond the review process. Committee members are highly sought-after for their invaluable contributions in various capacities. These may include membership in other TOGA committees or working groups, participation in fundraising initiatives, or esteemed roles in reviewing award applications.
Working Groups
Our Scientific Committee is comprised of Working Groups and Review Panels to ensure high-quality clinical trials that contribute to evidence-based healthcare.
Nominate yourself to a working group to review developing concepts and support upcoming research and trials.
Research Concept Submissions
If you would like to submit a research concept for TOGA endorsements by our Scientific Committee, we have resources and applications awaiting you here.
Scientific Committee Members
You can read more about this committee in the Scientific Committee Terms of Reference.