
Leave a gift in your will

A Gift in your Will is one of the most inspiring ways to give back and ensure TOGA is there for those impacted by lung cancer for generations to come.

How to leave a gift

Find out how you can leave a gift to TOGA in your Will.

Information for solicitors

All the details and wording your solicitor needs to create or update your Will.

Contact us about your gift

We would love to hear from you and thank you personally for your commitment and support.

Why are Gifts in Wills so important to TOGA?

Your Will is a lasting gift to your loved ones and to the next generation. Making a Will is a very personal matter. After you have provided for your loved ones, you may consider including TOGA as a beneficiary.

Leave a legacy to help us discover better ways to diagnose, treat and support people with lung and thoracic cancers.

A bequest to TOGA in your Will is a special and powerful way to support a cause that is important to you and to the community. If you choose to leave a gift to TOGA, you can be assured that any amount – large or small – will make a valuable difference in achieving our end goal – a world free from lung and thoracic cancers.

Some of the ways your gift can help:

  • deliver cutting edge clinical and translational research
  • enable us to work collaboratively with other leading organisations to inform best practice care and treatment
  • provide equitable access to treatment and world-class care
  • ensure patients receive the optimum treatment and care when diagnosed with lung and thoracic cancers

How to include a gift in your Will

Every gift, large or small is deeply appreciated and helps us achieve our vision.

Gifts left to charities in Wills come in all different shapes and sizes and giving a gift in your Will is not just for wealthy people – it is for anybody thinking about doing something powerful, special and lasting.

To leave a gift in your Will, follow these four easy steps to guide you through the process

It is important to have a Will to ensure your estate is given to the people and causes you most care about. Making or updating a Will is simple. The best way to arrange leaving a gift to TOGA is to speak with a solicitor. They can ensure your estate is distributed in a way that meets your wishes. How you choose to leave a bequest depends on your personal preference and circumstances.

Note: Reviewing your Will every few years is also important as circumstances change throughout your life such as marriage, sale of a property, birth of children or grandchildren and changes to family relationships.

  • A residuary gift: You decide to leave what is left in your estate to TOGA after all estate debts or expenses are met and specific gifts are made. It’s the simplest and most effective way to support TOGA.
  • A percentage of your estate: You can leave a percentage of either the residue or the entire estate to TOGA. This gives longevity to your Will because your gift won’t be influenced by inflation or changes in the value of your estate.
  • A pecuniary gift:  You can leave a specific sum of money to TOGA.
  • Specific asset: You can leave specific items of value such as shares, bonds, real estate or other particular items of value.

To make a bequest to TOGA, we suggest the following wording for consideration by your legal advisor:

I give and bequeath (a percentage of my estate) or (specified sum) or (all my rights, title and interest in [description of specific land or property at……]) free of all duties and deductions, for the general purposes of TOGA (Level 6, 1 Chifley Square and our ABN 47 641 984 198). I declare that the receipt of an authorised officer of TOGA shall be a complete and sufficient discharge for the executor(s).

We believe it is an important step to talk to family and loved ones about your Will. Communication will ensure that decisions that are important to you are understood by family members, executors and guardians.

If you have already included a gift in your Will, please accept our heartfelt thanks for your thoughtfulness, foresight and generosity. We would be grateful if you could please let us know so that we can thank you personally for your thoughtfulness and we can give you a choice about how we might recognise you and how you would like us to communicate with you. Please contact

Your privacy will be fully respected, and any information you give us will remain confidential.

Information for solicitors and executors

Important TOGA Information

When drafting a Will that includes a gift to TOGA please ensure the following details are included.

  • Legal Name: Thoracic Oncology Group of Australasia Ltd
  • ABN: 47 641 984 198
  • Registered Address: Level 6, 1 Chifley Square, Sydney, NSW 2000
  • Email:

Information required by TOGA when processing an estate

If you are administering an estate which includes a gift to TOGA, please notify our Gifts in Wills team as early as possible with the following:

  • Deceased full name and last address
  • Date of death
  • Grant of Probate or a copy of the final Will

In addition to the above and depending on the type of gift being left to TOGA, we may require additional information (e.g. statement of assets and liabilities) or request that the gift be provided to TOGA in a certain way (e.g. the transfer of any shares, in-specie).

Questions? Contact Us

If you have any questions about leaving a gift in your Will or would like to have a confidential conversation about your gift, please don’t hesitate to contact TOGA Executive Officer, Megan Sanders.