Recognition for our Invaluable Supporters and Partners

Significant gifts over $2,000.

TOGA was grateful to receive major contributions from a number of generous individuals and organisations since its establishment in 2020. Much of TOGA’s work has been made possible through the help of our generous supporters who have raised or donated to our cause. Their significant gifts allow us to take great leaps forward in the search for lung cancer cures. We are truly thankful for this support.

Our thanks go to (both those listed below, and those who have chosen to remain anonymous):

  • Claire Monk
  • ADFA
  • Nick Pavlakis
  • Turner Freeman Lawyers
  • Dale Massie
  • Lillian Leigh
  • Elise Dunstan
  • Ben Solomon
  • Jen Gold
  • Melissa Moore
  • Lynne and Simon Thornton
  • Rachel Wong
  • Michael and Natalie Dubs
  • Malinda Itchins
  • Jess Bowen
  • Lauren Gray
  • Megan Sanders
  • Ping Onn Mak
  • John Jones
  • Olivia Mandalinic (Slater & Gordon Lawyers)
  • Raelene Lingam (Slater & Gordon Lawyers)
  • Alison Bolton
  • Dasantha Jayamanne
  • Graham Monk

Thank you for believing in the work we do, you make a difference in the lives of people affected by lung cancer every day. With your unwavering support, we have every reason to be filled with optimism for our ultimate vision of a world free from thoracic cancers (lung cancer) as a cause of death, disability and suffering.