
Episode 8 | Practical Perspectives: Shifting the Needle in Small Cell Lung Cancer

Practical Perspectives: Shifting the Needle in Small Cell Lung Cancer (SCLC)

Episode Summary

This TOGA Podcast focuses on Small Cell Lung cancer (SCLC) – a type of lung cancer with the poorest prognosis of any lung cancer. Our guests today include A/Prof Steven Kao, A/Prof Stephen Liu, and Dr Rebecca Tay. SCLC patients make up about 13% of new lung cancer diagnoses that are characterized by early & rapid spread with only modest progress in its treatment over the last decades. Immunotherapy continues to radically change the way we treat many types of lung cancer and today we explore what these treatments mean for the SCLC patient and the practical implications of using immunotherapies in the clinic. We also discuss future combinations and novel agents in clinical trial development.


Thank you for joining us and also thank you to Roche for sponsoring this Podcast.


Useful link: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fonc.2020.01074/full


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Show Hosts

This episode’s host are:

  • A/Prof Steven Kao, Medical Oncologist, Chris O’Brien Lifehouse
  • A/Prof Stephen Liu, Director of Thoracic Oncology and Director of Developmental Therapeutics, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Centre Georgetown University
  • Dr Rebecca Tay, Medical Oncologist, Royal Hobart Hospital and Icon Cancer Centre

Play Episode 8 | Practical Perspectives: Shifting the Needle in Small Cell Lung Cancer

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