
TOGA Receives Funding to Support Cancer Clinical Trials

TOGA is excited to announce that it has been awarded a grant as part of the 2024-2027 Support for Cancer Clinical Trials Program.

The Support Cancer Clinical Trials (SCCT) program provides funding to 14 multi-site collaborative cancer clinical trials groups to build their capacity to undertake cancer clinical trials.

As one of the recipients of this grant, TOGA will be able to contribute to the development of investigator-initiated cancer clinical trials protocols. This will help to advance research in the field of thoracic cancers and improve outcomes for patients.

This grant aligns with TOGA’s mission to prevent, treat, and cure thoracic cancers and our vision to eliminate thoracic cancers as a source of death, disability, and suffering.

“We are grateful for renewed funding from Cancer Australia to support TOGA in our leading priority to design lung cancer and mesothelioma clinical trials. The truly unique aspect of these groups is that they function for their members, independent of other affiliations to hospitals or academic institutions.

In turn, their members, leading national experts in research and clinical care, volunteer to lead the clinical trials groups, and to design and conduct clinical trials to bring advances in cancer care to patients sooner.” – Dr Megan Sanders, TOGA CEO

Key benefits of the SCCT program include:

  • Funding multi-site collaborative cancer clinical trials groups: The program provides funding to groups to build their capacity to undertake cancer clinical trials.
  • National technical services: Cancer Australia funds the provision of expert advice in areas of common need, such as genomics, health/pharmaco-economic support, and quality of life support.
  • Targeted research investment: The SCCT program focuses on areas of unmet and emerging need, improving clinical trial design, and accelerating the translation of research into clinical practice.
The other successful CTGs include:
  • Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group
  • Australasian Leukaemia & Lymphoma Group
  • Australian & New Zealand Children’s Haematology/Oncology Group
  • Australia New Zealand Gynaecological Oncology Group
  • Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association
  • Australian New Zealand Urogenital and Prostate Group
  • Breast Cancer Trials
  • Cooperative Trials Group for Neuro-Oncology
  • Cancer Symptom Trials, Melanoma and Skin Cancer Trials
  • Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group
  • Psycho-Oncology Co-operative Research Group
  • Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group.
TOGA is committed to working with other organisations in the field of cancer research to improve outcomes for patients. We believe that the SCCT program will play a crucial role in advancing this important work. Cancer Australia media release

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