
Lung Cancer Awareness Month

Lung Cancer Awareness Month with white ribbon

Every year in November, we come together for Lung Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a time to raise awareness about thoracic cancers, honour those affected, and push for crucial research advancements.

In Australia, lung cancer remains the biggest cancer killer, claiming more lives than any other.

Here’s a sobering reality:

  • 36 Australians are diagnosed with lung cancer every single day
  • 25-30% of those diagnosed sadly pass away within just 3 months
  • Lung cancer research receives less than 6% of cancer research funding

But here’s another concerning trend: lung cancer incidence in people who have never smoked is on the rise. These cases are often diagnosed at advanced stages, leaving limited treatment options.

Leading the Fight Against Thoracic Cancers

The Thoracic Oncology Group of Australia (TOGA) is the nation’s leading authority dedicated to the study and fight against thoracic cancers. Our mission is clear: to prevent, treat, and ultimately cure these diseases through research, clinical trials, and education.

Here’s how we achieve this:

  • Cutting-Edge Research: We translate the latest scientific discoveries into real-world clinical trials, driving advancements in treatment options.
  • Clinical Trial Focus: Designing and conducting clinical trials is our top priority, ensuring patients have access to potentially life-saving therapies.
  • Evidence-Based Approach: We integrate research and clinical trials into routine practice, building a robust foundation for effective lung cancer treatment. This ensures extended life expectancy, improved quality of life, and a higher chance of cure for patients. 

“TOGA works collaboratively across Australia and New Zealand to inform best practice care and treatment, all with the aim to prevent and ultimately find a cure for thoracic cancers.” – Prof Nick Pavlakis, Chair of TOGA’s Board of Directors

Making a Difference: The Inspirational Research Grant

Thanks to your support, TOGA’s Inspirational Research Grant fuels critical research initiatives. These grants, funded by generous donations, provide $50,000 over two years to researchers exploring innovative ways to prevent, treat, or improve the lives of people living with thoracic cancers. Importantly, these projects are developed in collaboration with consumer advocates, ensuring they directly address the priorities of the community.

The Inspirational Research Grant has funded research in projects defining epigenetic causes of immunotherapy resistance, to improving rehabilitation in lung cancer care. Read more about the research projects here.

Join the Fight: How You Can Help

This Lung Cancer Awareness Month, we invite you to join us in the battle against this formidable disease. Here’s how:

  • Climb with Us: Join Professor Nick Pavlakis for TOGA’s Kosi Climb, a challenging yet rewarding fundraising experience with the TOGA Team.
  • Donate: Your contributions, big or small, directly fund critical research projects.
  • Fundraise: Organise community events and activities to raise awareness and vital funds.

Together, we can breathe easier and fight harder for a future free of lung cancer.

Let’s honour those affected by lung cancer, empower researchers, and bring hope to countless Australians.

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Experience Kosi with Nick Pavlakis and the TOGA team to help fundraise for lung cancer research.
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