

Tracy Leong


Early NSCLC Co-chair /

Respiratory Physician and Director of Bronchoscopy, Austin Health

Dr Leong is a clinician-scientist with dual appointments as a Respiratory Physician and Director of Bronchoscopy at Austin Health, and as a Post-doctorate Researcher at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.

Dr Leong’s research interests are in utilising minimally invasive bronchoscopic technology to advance translational research in cancer. She is leading the TRACKER initiative of a national biobank for metastatic lung cancer. She is also heavily engaged in national projects to improve quality of lung cancer care through involvement in LUCAP which is a national lung cancer clinical quality data platform, and the drive to implement a national lung cancer screening program.

Dr Leong is the current President of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand (TSANZ) Victoria branch, and is a national TSANZ board member where she is the Director of Australian branches and Director of Lung Cancer.

Dr Tracy Leong – Thoracic Oncology Group of Australasia (TOGA) Scientific Committee Member